Årets globale teenagere

Årets globale teenagere

tirsdag den 25. april 2017

På vej til Palæstina i flyveren til Tel Aviv, sad Anja og jeg ved siden af en palæstinenser som var meget åben omkring konflikten. Vi fik en masse historier fra ham, omkring hans arbejde som hjertekirurg, hvor får mulighed for og rejse over det hele i Israel, Vestbredden og Gaza. Hjemme igen har vi valgt at kontakte ham med dette brev

“Hey Imad
I hope that you remember us (Anja and Cecilie) from the plane to Tel Aviv, for about a month ago. You said to us, that we should write to you after the school trip, and tell you about what we experienced.

Like you said to us in the plane, we experienced both sides of the conflict. We listened to both the Israelis and the palestinians, and it has been the best journey we have been on. 

From the palestinian view, we saw for example the wall, talk to palestinian youth, were in Wad Foukin, Hebron, settlements and so many other things. It was so fascinating to see all the things we have been talking about for months. It was easy to see that the palestinians was the oppressed people.

From the Israelis view, we were in cities like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the Israeli side of Hebron and talked with the party Likud. When we listened to the man presented Likud, he told us that the Palestinian people could move around everywhere they wanted to. Which of course was wrong, after what we have seen in the Palestinian areas.

All in all, the trip was a complete success, and we enjoyed everything about it. We learned so much from the trip, that you can’t learn from a book.

We hope that you maybe have more stories to tell us, or anything you want to say about the conflict.

Sincerely from

Cecilie and Anja”

Han er kommet med et svar, hvor han giver os en masse artikler og kommer med hans meninger omkring konflikten